stored in: My $.02

I was looking at KSL.com the other day and saw these two interesting notes regarding Ogden on the front page. (click image for a larger more readable image)

KSL - Ogden is a top rated town with a gang problem - heh

Seems to me that the #3 rated best town in the country wouldn’t be the type of place for gang shootings. And since when did “towns” have a university, 2 freeways, a small airport, urban sprawl and a few dozen traffic lights? Come to think of it, that sounds a lot like Heber.

Just a bit of irony that these two things were on the front page together, not to mention the word “town” is used to describe Ogden.

3 Responses to “Ogden Irony?”

  1. Brett Says:

    Ha ha this is so true. We laughed when we heard what it ranked. We were so confused. No way that Ogden can change that fast. Wasn’t it rated last year one of the most dangerous or gang populated in the nation?!

  2. jen Says:

    yea, that is funny.

  3. powstash Says:

    I’m glad I wasn’t the only one that found this to be funny. I keep hearing that Ogden is like a meth capital while they are saying how awesome it is to work and live there. Doesn’t make sense!

    Thanks for the comments!

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