
I think I’m open minded. Are you open minded enough to go see this film?

2 Responses to “Expelled, The Movie”

  1. Bill Aho Says:

    Ben Stein is dead on. Historically, the scientific community has been one of the most close-minded of them all. And it’s not just Darwinism. If you have the temerity to disagree with prevailing theory, you are likely to be scorned, laughed at, ridiculed and blackballed–all quite literally.

    I’m reminded of reading about Marshall and Warren’s work on duodenal ulcers. Their bacterial theory defied conventional wisdom, which believed the ulcers were caused by excess acid. They were completely rejected by the medical community. They were jeered at conferences. Couldn’t get their papers published. Eventually, Marshall dramatically illustrated his case when he infected himself with a glassful of a billion H. plyori bacteria and cured himself with antibiotics. Ten years later, the National Institute of Health endorsed their theory, millions of lives have now been positively affected, and in 2005 Marshall and Warren won the Nobel Prize in medicine.

  2. powstash Says:

    Great comment Bill! I hadn’t heard the story of Marshall and Warren – priceless comparision. Thanks for sharing.

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